I am not here to support and talk about plants because #gardening is my #passion, but I am here to tell you based on my experiences how plants have helped me in this depressing and #stressful situation of the pandemic.
Plants add décor to any space, but apart from that there are many other benefits of gardening, for your mind and health. According to research people who live around plants feel much happier than those who don't.
We all know the situation around us isn’t great and being locked at home makes us anxious and #depressed. Just looking at my garden helps me to relax and reduce my stress. Plants emit phytoncides, or mood-boosting compounds, which can enhance immunity and ward off the effects of harmful germs. These chemicals help to reduce the amount of #stress you feel throughout the day. The chemicals that the plants release tackle the pollutants in the air, and you get air that is #safer and #healthier for you to breathe.
I can’t imagine how #life would have been with the #work from home since more than a year, if I didn’t have any #houseplants. At these recent times when people feel lonely at #home, plants help to add a living touch. Seeing the plants, I gain inspiration and creativity. You don't need to have many plants to gain this benefit. Just a few #plants will help to create a positive space in your house.
I was skeptical about the #Covid #vaccine and was not very keen in getting the jab since I had read many disturbing news. However, after seeing the situation getting worse, I went ahead and got my first jab. After getting the jab I was worried the entire day thinking if I would have any side effects. With the worry I went to sleep but just could not #sleep and kept turning and tossing on the bed the entire #night. Tried to relax, used essential oils, but nothing helped. It was 5 AM, and after trying out everything, when nothing worked, I thought to go and sit in my #garden. I just sat there for 10 mins and the fresh early morning breeze made me relaxed and a bit sleepy. After that I went to bed and I don’t even know when I dozed off. I had a sound sleep and when I woke up, I felt so #relaxed. I just could not believe that when nothing helped me, my dear plants helped me to sleep. Such is the #power of plants. My #love and #respect grew much more for plants after that day. I can’t imagine my life without plants around me.
If you still don’t have plants in your house because you are worried about the efforts needed for gardening, don’t think much. All plants don’t need much attention and care. There are many plants which need very less care and maintenance and will still be happy at your home. I have around 400+ plants and in that there are many which doesn’t demand much efforts from me. So, go ahead and select the plants as per your convenience. I can guarantee that you will not regret it.
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Giti is fond of plants, she has over four hundred plants and taking care of plants is like self-care for her, she balances out any depressive thoughts like this. She is a software professional, a Hobbyist Photographer, Blogger and a Globetrotter. Gardening is her passion. You can find her on social media as gardeninggitz - Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.